Welcome to the new Bose.ae

Selecting a uStation® preset

Every uStation has a preset number already assigned. You can reserve different numbers for members of your family or for your different purposes.

While your stored music plays, you can use the remote to change uStations. Simply press the preset number for the uStation you want. You can also give each uStation a name as a reminder of its purpose.

Note: uStations are not active when you play selections from the music library, playlist, CD # or whole CD. Press ENCORE or Umusic on the remote to make a uStation active. Then press the preset number for the one you want.

To use a uStation:

On the remote, press STORED to begin continuous play.

Press a presets number (1–9) on the remote for the uStation you want to use. The preset number, following a small u, appears on the media centre display.

As your stored music continues, respond to the music in one of these ways:

  • Listen to a track all the way through
  • Skip tracks you do not want to hear
  • Repeat a track that you find especially pleasing. The uStation logs each of these responses, plus any ratings you give the music. Over time, you may notice how the focus of this uStation reflects your preferences

Note: When you play stored music for the first time, the system automatically selects Preset 1. This preset is then affected by the reactions of anyone who listens to the music. To tailor a uStation to your tastes, you may want to select a different preset number (2–9).