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Using phone-free mode

Enabling phone-free mode in the Bose Sleep app lets you use your sleepbuds™ with a limited set of features while your mobile device is off or in another room.

You may want to use this feature if:

  • You prefer sleeping without electronics nearby
  • You don’t need to set a wake-up alarm or hear notifications during the night

Because the sleepbuds™ are disconnected from your device, they can’t play alarms or receive notifications when phone-free mode is enabled.

When you enable phone-free mode, the sleepbuds™ begin playing a selected masking sound as soon as you remove them from the charging case. They continue to play that sound until your sleep timer settings expire or you return them to the case.

To enable phone-free mode:

Connect the sleepbuds™ to the Bose Sleep app

Select Settings in the upper right-hand corner

Smartphone screen highlighting the Settings control

Below OPTIONS, select Phone-Free Mode

Smartphone screen highlighting the Phone-Free Mode

A message appears for things to keep in mind. Select Got It

Smartphone screen displaying Things to keep in mind

After the “Optimize playback” information, select Set Up Phone-Free Mode

Smartphone screen displaying Optimised playback

Set your desired options for My Sounds, Sleep Timer and Volume level. Select Enable Phone-Free Mode to activate

NOTE: While using phone-free mode, all alarms and notifications are disabled.

Smartphone screen displaying Phone-Free Mode options: sounds, timer, volume

To disable phone-free mode

Once phone-free mode is enabled, the main screen in the Sleep app will show a Disable Phone-Free Mode button over the sleepbuds™. Select it to disable

Smartphone screen showing the “Disable Phone-Free Mode” button

You will see a confirmation screen. Select Yes to disable

Confirmation screen to turn off phone-free mode